Thursday, August 23, 2007

More gravel

Aug 16 2007
51 30.257 N
105 07.652 W
Today 127.4 Total 2996.7
I had a terible sleep last night as my knees were killing me. I took it fairly easy today while trying to get my miles in. Hwy 15 east of Kenaton is NOT a biking road the map showed it as paved but there had to be at least 20 Km of dirt road on the plus side there was very little traffic.
This little guy was trying to cross the road with his mom and three siblings when a semi came by and sent everyone scurring in different directions luckly no one got run over.

A world of wheat.

I tried to make it to Nokomis but I ran out of time and energy so I'm stealth camping in the middle of nowhere. My light is almost gone so I'll sign off.
More critters on the raod today I spent the day try not to run over grasshoppers and black crickets.

1 comment:

Kelly O said...

The Wheat picture is so cool! It seems like you are putting the miles behind you very quickly.