Thursday, August 30, 2007

Just Like Mom Used to Make

Aug 26 2007
Today 128.5 Total 4034.5
So far Ontario has been the roller coaster province. Up and down, UPPPP and dooowwwn. Short steep hills. Wheee. The wind was blowing strong south to north so I made the decision to go across to Ignace instead of south to Fort Francis. I don't think I made the right decision. It felt like a long day when really it wasn't that bad.
I had been riding for several hours when signs started showing up every five km or so. "Home cooked meals." "Just like mom used to make." So when I rounded the corner and saw no less than four semi's sitting outside the restaurant my taste buds and my stomach became very excited.
I went in and ordered and grill cheese sandwich and fries. My order arrived I looked and thought they weren't kidding.
Now no disrespect to my mother but anybody that knows my mom knows she is not the finest cook. I was raised on A&W chicken, and TV dinners. My mom is the first to recognize this and makes no apologies about it. You what a good meal cook it yourself. So when my meal arrived at the table I groaned. Two pieces of wonder bread with two processed cheese slices, heated just enough to barely melt the cheese. With a side of McCain crinkle cut super fries still white and greasy. Just like mom used to make. I really though they were talking about somebody else's mom.
I still haven't figured out why all the truckers were there.
There were miles and lies of this pink granite. I would not wanted to be the one to have to carve a road through this.

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