Friday, September 7, 2007

Food Where Are You?

Sept 3 2007
Today 150.4 total 4904.2
A better day riding today. I'm still a bit wonky but over all doing much better. I made sure to take lots of breaks and to eat lots. The hardest thing lately has been finding healthy food. Since just outside of Thunder Bay I haven't seen a proper grocery store. I ran out of fruits and veggies in Rainbow Falls and I was hoping to restock in Marathon which turned out to be 5 Km off the beaten track. I may have even considered that if it hadn't been down hill the whole which means uphill all the way back. So I have been trying to find anything somewhat healthy. It has not been easy $3.50 for a 80 gram bag of cashews. The closest thing I could find for fruit was Swedish Berries which had berries in the title.

At White River were the whole Whinnie the Pooh thing started.
Being just about back to school time I saw tons of these little sedans packed to the roof with their owners life possessions as they head to college.
The two towns I hit today both had a a co-op; both closed for the holiday Monday. the next town I hit is Sault-St-Marie a day and a half away. So needing to stock up on food I wandered into a general store. Part gift shop, part tackle shop and part candy outlet, and I'm trying to find something to tide me over. One lb of summer sausage was the only protein in the store that I could find other than the $19.00 package of peperoni. A box of cookies,(yes that was the healthiest carb choice I had) and two very over priced V8's. Sounds great doesn't it.
It was getting late and I still had about 30 km until my campsite. I was dogging it up about 5 km out of Wawa when a massive black bear crossed the road in front of me. As BC is to Ontario the black bears I've seen before were to this monster. A sedan came barrelling up the road honking its horn and scared it into the bushes on the far side of the road. Man did I make good time after that. My legs were like two freshly oiled pistons. Up, down, you what to go a little harder we can do that. Turns out I wasn't as tired as I thought. The whole time I'm thinking of the 1 lb of summer sausage wrapped in brown paper stinking up my bag. The odourous version of a neon blinking light "OVER HERE" with a big arrow pointed at my voluptuous, hibernation worthy butt. I got to camp in record time. Didn't sleep worth a damn though.

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