Monday, June 18, 2007


June 17 2007
52 39.641N 117 52.584 W
Today 107.3 Total 1834.2
I don't think I've been this cold since last August long weekend. (A little inside joke for Chris. We went hiking and got caught in a blizzard.) I left the hostel full of vigor.

Coming up the pass.

I managed to make it up the highest pass gaining 650 metres of elevation, taking a half hour break, and still doing 40 km in 4 hours. I was feeling pretty proud of myself. Whoo hooo. Its all down hill from here. Ha ha ha. Then mother nature decided to be a mother &%$@. It felt like I was in a hurricane. Driving rain and winds. The freezing cold rain felt like ice pellets hitting me. I couldn't see a thing. If you would like to duplicate how I felt put some spandex on. Take a fan into your bathroom and turn it on high. Cover your sunglasses with Vaseline then turn the water on full to straight cold and jog in place for three hours trying to stay warm. Take a fifteen break (do not leave the shower) and eat something. Then start jogging again for another three hours. It took me 6 hrs to do 67km with an elevation loss of 800 meters. Nasty. I managed to injure my left Achilles heel somehow. Its pretty sore but I'm taking a partial rest day tomorrow in Jasper so hopefully that will help.Edith Cavil Mountain; Kelly style.

P.S. I'm still glad I'm doing this. Every day is a new lifetime. Enjoyable, punishing, and fulfilling.


Kelly O said...

"Everyday is a new lifetime" You are poetic, what a wonderful lesson for all of us.

I got your package. I love the surpises you find on you journey. I have never loved getting mail quiet so much as I do these days. Thank you.

Ritsin said...

Sorry to hear about your ankle.

I know CPR!!!