Monday, June 18, 2007


June 15 2007
51 25.676 N 116 10.988 W
Today 104.3 km Total 1626.4
I was up early again today. Today was mammal day. I saw my first bear. He was happily munching away on clover and totally ignored me. I also saw my first and second and hopefully my last moose.
Every cyclist will tell you about the cow phenomenon. This is when a cyclist goes by a herd of cows they all stop what they are doing and stare. Then in unison, they turn their heads and follow you until you are past. (Try it some time it's a riot.) Deer do somewhat the same thing but their bodies are pointed away from you poised for flight. Moose kind of do the same thing but if you picture cows as hound dogs behind a fence, and deer a cowering whippets, Moose are rottweilers with no fence. The first one had just shied away from a truck and trailer when she saw me and her whole attitude changed. She leaned forward, her ears came forward and there was a look in her eye that had me saying to myself, "Oh shit." (Why do these encounters always happen when I'm peddling up hill?) Luckily at that moment another truck and trailer came by and scared her into the bush. The second one was bull moose that came to full attention when I showed up. It is very unnerving to have that much attention from something that big and angry looking. A couple in a small white car with bikes on the roof rack saw what was happening pulled a U-turn and escorted me past him. I waved thanks, they waved back and left. My knights in shining armor.

At the Continental Divide.

Hmmm think it was windy?
Weather wise it was another brutal day. Rain, sleet, hail and more rain. It was puking rain it just doesn't show up on the camera.
I was frozen to the core. I think I was still suffering from the after effects of the chicken wings because I was light headed and dogging it all day. I am staying at the hostel in Lake Louise for $10 more than a campsite I have a roof and hot shower. I'm happy as clam.

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