Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Hatter

"♫ Well, here I go again on my oWWWWnnn, ♪♪travlin down the only road I’ve ever knOOOWWWn, like a drifter I was born to walk alOOOWWn,♪♫ BAMM bum bum...." Thought I’d start us off with a little Whitesnake.
The question I get asked the most when I tell people about my grand little adventure is, “You’re going by yourself?”
The second most asked question is “Are you crazy?!!”
The short answers are yes and well yes. I’m doing a trip that spans over 9000 KM, and could possible take over three months to do.
I really do enjoy being with people but, when push comes to shove, I don’t play well with others. My maximum time tolerance with any one individual is about 72 hours. So if I take a trip with someone and it’s going to be five days long but I will only see them 8 hours a day, I’ll do fine. But… If I take a three-day hiking trip sharing meals, a tent etc, plus travel time on either end…I get really twitchy by the last part of the trip. I just need my space. It’s me; I know that’s what I am like. Those nearest and dearest to me know that too. There are two possibly three people that I could do this trip with and they can’t join me, so solo it is.
So I guess the answer to question number two is yes... I’m mad as a hatter.

1 comment:

Auntie M said...

Hey, Leanna! Auntie Marion here Eileen just sent me your site name so between making coffee and sorting laundry before work I'm catching up with your marvellous journey. Way to go girl. Reading about packing up your bike, I felt,well, something about that single cooking pot thing conjured up memories of really camping- YES, without the motorhome! I think I could be almost jealous. Take good care darin and know we're all here right "behind" you all the way. Love, M